Disaster Preparedness

Huntington Hospital is committed to assisting our community in the event of a disaster. Our disaster preparedness team trains throughout the year so that we can be prepared to serve our patients and community in a variety of situations that might arise.

We also encourage everyone in the community to take action now so you can “survive and thrive” in a real emergency. Check out our Survive & Thrive PDF with helpful information to prepare for a disaster.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), disaster readiness can be made manageable by taking it one step at a time: Start by learning your specific risk, then gather supplies for an emergency kit, and then develop a family communications plan.

Because most disasters occur without any warning, developing a comprehensive plan in the case of an emergency is essential.

For more information, please visit the American Red Cross “Prepare SoCal” page or the Department of Homeland Security page.

We know that it can be difficult to prepare for every possible scenario, but the better your preparation, the safer you and your family will be should disaster strike.

Check out the tips below for earthquake preparedness and response from the ready.gov website:

  1. Secure items such as TVs and other heavy objects. Store heavy or breakable objects on low shelves.
  2. Practice DROP, COVER and HOLD ON with family and coworkers. Drop to your hands and knees. Cover your head and neck with your arms. Crawl only as far as needed to reach cover from falling materials. Hold onto any sturdy furniture until the shaking stops.
  3. Create a family communications plan that includes an out-of-state number. Plan where to meet if you get separated.
  4. Make an emergency supply kit that includes enough food and water for at least three days, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, and a whistle. Consider each person’s specific needs, including medication. Remember your pets. Have extra batteries on hand. Have additional kits in your car and at work. See the attached flyer for more information about what your kit should include.
  5. Copy important documents or put them on a flash drive and keep them with your emergency kit.
  6. Keep your car’s gas tank full as this may be your only means of charging cell phones and computer equipment when power is out after an earthquake.
  7. Consider obtaining an earthquake insurance policy. Standard homeowners insurance does not cover earthquake damage.

  1. DROP, COVER and HOLD ON like you practiced.
  2. If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head and neck with a pillow.
  3. If inside, stay there until the shaking stops. DO NOT run outside.
  4. If in a vehicle, stop in a clear area that is away from buildings, trees, overpasses, underpasses, or utility wires.
  5. If you are in a high rise building, expect fire alarms and sprinklers to go off. Do not use elevators.
  6. If near slopes, cliffs, or mountains, be alert for falling rocks and landslides.

  1. Expect aftershocks
  2. If you are in a damaged building, go outside and move away from the structure.
  3. Check yourself for injury and help others who are injured.
  4. Do not enter damaged buildings.
  5. If you are trapped, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth. Send a text, bang on a pipe or wall, shout to alert rescuers or use a whistle if you have one.
  6. Save phone calls for emergencies.
  7. Once you are safe, monitor local news via any means possible: TV, Social Media, Emergency Text Alerts, or battery operated/hand crank radio. Listen for information and instructions.
  8. Use extreme caution during clean-up of buildings and debris. Do not work alone. Wear protective clothing including a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, work gloves and sturdy, thick-soled shoes.